Dr. Ayman Fawaz
The Company's name Dr. Ayman Fawaz
Phone First +963 11 4446892
Mobile First +963 944446892
City Damascus
Title Al-Rous Tower - King Faisal Building - opposite Al-Maraya Technical Factory
Specialization Internal diseases specialist (digestive, thoracic and cardiac)
About company
Dr. Ayman Fawaz
Address: Al-Rous Tower - King Faisal Street - opposite Al-Maraya Technical Factory
Specialization: Internal diseases specialist (digestive, thoracic, and cardiac)
Master's degree in Internal Medicine
Member of the Society of Cardiovascular Diseases and Surgery
Joints - diabetes - electrocardiogram
Eco for the digestive system and kidneys
Tel: 0114446892
Mobile: 0944446892

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