Dr. Esraa Ismail Ammar
The Company's name Dr. Esraa Ismail Ammar
Phone First +963 933124446
Mobile First +963 933124446
City Ref Damascus
Title Old Zahra _ market stop _ in front of Muhammad Al-Ashmar School
Specialization Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
About company
Dr. Esraa Ismail Ammar
Address: Old Zahraa _ market stop _ opposite Muhammad Al-Ashmar School
Specialization: Specialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery
Rhinoplasty _ face and eyelid lift _ tummy tuck _ liposuction _ injection of fillers to treat wrinkles (filler _ botox)
Breast plastic surgery (augmentation, reduction, tightening) _ treatment of burns and scars _ laser hair removal _ hair transplant
Mobile: 0933124446

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