Palmyra masterpieces company
The Company's name Palmyra masterpieces company
Phone First +963 11 5851375
Mobile First +963 937690002
Mobile Second +963 954686667
City Ref Damascus
About company
Palmyra masterpieces company
An industrial company specialized in the field of manufacturing concrete products (interlocks - curbs - blocks). The company was established in Syria in 2017 and we started production in 2021.
Palmyra Masterpieces Factory is produced by Qunfeng Company and it is one of the most modern factories in the Middle East equipped with the latest technologies for manufacturing concrete products. It works fully automatically from production to packaging, with a production capacity of more than 1000 meters per day, which enables us to cover the market need without delay.
Our mission is to fully secure the requirements of our customers, by providing the best services in terms of product quality, good handling and flexibility in work, and we work permanently and continuously to keep pace with every development in the building materials industry through a specialized team of engineers, technicians and qualified workers, which makes us pioneers in this field.
Address: Damascus countryside _ Adra Industrial
Specialization: Manufacture of concrete products
Block _ interlock _ edges
Tel: 0115851375
Mobile: 0954686667 / 0937690002


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