Al-Hasnaa Al-Jamalia Foundation
The Company's name Al-Hasnaa Al-Jamalia Foundation
Responsible person Muhammad Maher Abdel Raouf and his sons
Phone First +963 944575142
Mobile First +963 946113751
Mobile Second +963 964576102
City Ref Damascus
Title Syria - Damascus countryside - Douma - Misraba, next to Ubaid Mosque
Specialization Manufacture and trade of detergents
About company
Al-Hasnaa Al-Jamalia Foundation
Al-Hasnaa Al-Jamalia Establishment for the manufacture and trade of detergents was established in 2011. We specialize in manufacturing detergents and sterilizers - dishwasher liquid - multi-purpose liquid - soap and body cleanser - chlorine - flash freshener for floors and clothes - Holami
It was manufactured according to Syrian standard specifications
Our motto: Excellence is our specialty
Address: Syria - Damascus countryside - Douma - Misraba, next to Obaid Mosque
Administration: 0944575142
Sales service: 0958799524 - 0946113751
Customer service: 0964576102
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