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VIP The Company's name Telephone number Specialization
vip Sahar Al Sharq Company
+963 11 6787209
Manufacturing all types of industrial detergents
vip Mona Umm Ramiz
+963 936297661
Home supplies
vip Zahi Industry and Trade Company
+963 942202079
Import, export and distribution of food products
vip Hamza Group Industrial Resources Group
+963 998768696
Import of raw materials for creams, shampoos and conditioners
vip Al Nouri Food Industries
+963 933417960
Food industries
vip Technopack Company
+963 11 9430
Production and printing of all types of corrugated cardboard boxes
vip Delta Food Industries
+963 11 9788
Food industries
vip Maxima Blast
+963 11 5851671
Production of plastic masterbatch granules, fillers and plastic additives
vip Villadi Food Industries Company
+963 965103033
Food industries
vip Al-Alaa Plast
+963 936433425
All kinds of nylon bags, paper plates and cups
vip Qasioun for the manufacture of milk and its derivatives (Al-Ajyal Milk)
+963 11 6004
Food industry
vip Baby Rose Light Factory
+963 21 4730400
Silicone and plastic products and baby supplies
vip Our Syrian Family Company for Food Industries
+963 11 5212525
Food industry
vip Rollana
+963 982293303
Chocolate - wafer - sweets - confectionery
vip Chocolate Nour
+963 955724748
vip Mosaic Company
+963 935761809
vip Banquets for food industries
+963 981880111
Food industry
vip Diamond Line Abidos Company
+963 994021027
Transportation services
+963 934452685
engineering office
vip Armage Hotel ****
+963 11 4435344
vip Nobles of the Levant
+963 11 6613316
Recruiting workers of non-Syrian nationalities
vip Ratiba Detergent Manufacturing Company
+963 11 6444991
vip Creedy Plastic Products Company
+963 11 5853627
Production and manufacture of all plastic packaging
vip Buffalo
+963 11 5444730
vip Emesa sweets
+963 930144000
vip Salary for plastic industries
+963 933726817
household items
vip Al-Habsha Company for Industry and Trade LLC (Dana Pasta)
+963 11 7240000
Dana Macaroni Food for the production of spaghetti, macaroni and vermicelli
+963 11 4431784
Trading all kinds of shoes
vip Al-Faqeer Plastic Limited Liability Company
+963 11 2222783
Manufacture and printing of plastic films and nylon bags
vip Almarai Company for Food Industries
+963 11 3402322
Production of milk, cheese and its derivatives
vip TT Foundation and Virgin Flowers for detergents
+963 11 5682555
vip Shammout and Qiddeh Food Company (Winner)
+963 11 6919936
Manufacture of powders and food solutions
vip Shammout and Qada Food Company (Sofia)
+963 11 6919934
Manufacture of powders and food solutions
vip Shammout and Qiddeh Food Company (Ammar Syrup)
+963 11 6919934
Manufacturer of powders and food solutions
vip Syrian Chemicals Prince
+963 11 6352501
vip The Spider Foundation
+963 987551670
home paint industry
vip Mahmoud Al-Qubaitari Sons Company
+963 11 2127314
Purification, packaging and export of olive oil
+963 11 5850831
Splash _ perfumes _ skin care materials _ makeup
vip Abdeen and Abu Amer Company for Industry and Trade Limited Liability
+963 933253121
vip Cosmaplast
+963 11 5852185
Production of plastic Tubes
vip DC Furnaces
+963 11 2223925
Bamoon - Croissant - Arabic Sweets - Cakes
vip Nabaa Patisserie
+963 11 6644484
Ice cream - desserts - patisserie
vip Al-Badawi Bakery and Sweets
+963 11 2771258
All kinds of Arab and foreign sweets
vip Al Shaibani Foundation for Printing and Packaging
+963 11 5414222
printing and packaging
vip Diab Food / Halawa and Tahini Al-Mizan
+963 11 2125468
Food industries (tahini - halva - chocolate)
vip Sabbagh Library
+963 11 2272070/1/2/3
Trade in office and stationery materials
vip Al Sayegh Corporation for Industry and Trade
+963 43 4213093
Plastic twine and burlap bags
vip El Desouky
+963 11 2255184
Electrical devices
vip niche
+963 11 5426406
chemical industries
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